Fired from your day job for doing OnlyFans

Onlyfans is empowering many creators around the World. More and more people are joining the ranks of the popular platform. However, this new activity can sometimes conflict with your day job. So, how can you navigate both worlds with confidence? Because, YES, you can be fired for doing OnlyFans!

10/17/20233 min read

Fired OnlyFans model
Fired OnlyFans model

1 - Canadian educator fired for doing OnlyFans

Recently, teachers and educational assistants, like Kristin MacDonald, who used the name "Ava James" on OnlyFans, are facing a big debate. Kristin MacDonald, who needed more money, shared adult content online and lost her job at a school in Canada. The school said she made the school seem sexualized, and that's one of the reasons they let her go.

This situation shows how hard it can be for educators to manage both their teaching careers and their OnlyFans work.

OnlyFans creator Canada
OnlyFans creator Canada

2 - Can you lose your job because of your OnlyFans side gig?

It depends on your work contract, company rules, and what you post. Many employers have rules for how you should behave both at and away from work.

If your OnlyFans content breaks these rules or makes the company look bad, you might be in trouble. So, it's a good idea to think about these things before diving into the world of OnlyFans while keeping your regular job.

Of course, like in the example above, you will understand that some professions, like those in Education, are more at risk.

Think about the risks for the following professions: doctors, nurses, public servants, government employees, law enforcement personnel, politicians, public figures etc.

Teacher OnlyFans Creator
Teacher OnlyFans Creator

3 - How to avoid being fired?

a. Read Your Employment Contract and Company Policies

Review your employment contract and company policies. Pay close attention to any clauses related to off-duty conduct, conflicts of interest, or social media use.

b. Maintain Privacy

If you decide to create an OnlyFans account, it's essential to maintain a clear separation between your professional life and your personal endeavors. Use a stage name of course, and or avoid any information or content that could easily be linked back to your day job. Don’t say you are a teacher if you truly are! And don’t make content, any content, in your place of work.

c. Set Strict Privacy Settings

Ensure that your OnlyFans account has robust privacy settings, allowing you to limit the visibility of your content to only those who have subscribed or paid for access. So, that means go for a VIP account, not a Free account. This will help prevent accidental leaks or unintentional viewership by colleagues or employers.

d. Use a Dedicated Email and Payment Account

Keep your OnlyFans correspondence separate from your work email and finances. This helps to prevent any overlap between your professional life and your OnlyFans activities.

e. Be Discreet on Social Media

Sure, that one is not necessarily easy since you need to publicize your profile to have success. But at least be cautious about sharing information related to your OnlyFans on your public social media profiles, especially if your coworkers or superiors follow you.

OnlyFans Agency Canada
OnlyFans Agency Canada

4 - Why It's Still Worth Doing OnlyFans

Having an OnlyFans and is obviously not everyone. But, despite the potential risks, many creators continue to find OnlyFans a rewarding platform.

a. Financial Independence

OnlyFans provides an opportunity for financial independence. That’s a fact. Creators can generate a substantial income, potentially surpassing their day job salaries. That being said, don’t count on that at the beginning, and remember that many creators are making only very little money on OnlyFans. So don’t quit your day job right away.

b. Creative Freedom

OnlyFans allows creators to express themselves and pursue their passions, creating content that resonates with their audience. This creative outlet can be highly fulfilling. And yes, we still live in a free society where being exhibitionist should not be a shame!

c. Flexibility

Unlike traditional 9-to-5 jobs, OnlyFans offers the flexibility to set your schedule and work from anywhere. This can be especially appealing for those who value work-life balance. OnlyFans is the perfect work from home gig!

d. Community and Connection

Many creators build strong, supportive communities around their content. The sense of connection and belonging can be incredibly rewarding. In the world of OnlyFans you can build a community quickly. And not everything is about sex on OnlyFans! OnlyFans is first a platform about connection and experience!

At OnlyMym we believe and value the work of content creators. We support creators and their rights to choose who they want to be and what they want to do. Contact us!